The Chewing Gum theory


The credit for this one goes entirely to my best friend..
The other day while we were sitting at a coffee shop, I was interrupted by a call from a very distraught guy friend of mine who called me to inform me that his girlfriend didn’t seem very upset at the idea of a breakup!  after I consoled him as much as I could over phone (trust me, it is difficult), I hung up and relayed the whole thing to my friend It surprised me to say the least because I knew they had hit a rough patch and it was only a matter of time.. But what surprised me more was that they didn’t make efforts to start afreshq and yet they were a couple… I voiced my views to my friend who didn’t seem least surprised. Here I quote him, ‘ you know that ‘s the chewing gum effect’
At this point of time I really didn’t know what to say and I just gaped openly, imploring him to explain. Well he explained. ‘ you do chew gum sometimes, don’t you? You know then when it kind of becomes tasteless after a while? But you still keep it in your mouth because 1. It’s giving you something to do. And 2. It kind of keeps your mouth moisturized. ?’ when I concluded in the affirmative, he gave a triumphant smile. There you go! That s the chewing gum therapy.. I opened my mouth to argue but actually was silenced by the brilliance of the explanation.. Because, deny as anyone might .. That was exactly what was going on.. The chewing gum effect! Because obviously since they were both contemplating ‘break-up’ but neither one was taking the step forward. Because neither one was sure were to head next. The relationship had long lost the charm like the strawberryish flavor of gum and yet you were chewing it cause it provided some relief!

Retail Therapy


The fact that most of us use this can be no surprise…  What makes retail therapy even better is doing it with a gang of girls.. The high you get from just buying something new., something coveted is beyond imagination.. Yes yes.. Call me a shopaholic. Call me an over-spender.  Maybe reckless also.  But truth be told.  I don’t care about the tags and I m sure none of my addicted friends do either. One of my old friends always referred to shopping as an ‘art’ and trust me she was talented.. It never ceases to surprise me how she always got the best bargains.. When I first started resorting to this,  I tended to overspend a wee bit.. Later I attributed this to the association of the word ‘SALE’ on my brain.. And after countless tragedies (read buying overpriced items I had no intention of ever using) , I came to the logical conclusion that just because an item is on ‘Sale’ it doesn’t mean it s a ‘Bargain’ . So I started training myself accordingly and trust me I m now a more reasonable buyer, which simply means I indulge in retail therapy but I m not a retail ‘junkie’ .
              The guys for one could never understand what joy or kick one could probably get from roaming around in shops for hours on end, trying a dozen things, and at the end of the day – coming home with weary n tired feet and a few items which I never intended to buy in the first place.  What irks them even more is that I sometimes cancelled on them to go shopping with my girls.One of my guy friends in the middle of one such discussion, asked us , quite innocuously ‘ why don’t you make a list,  like a grocery list? ‘ it was a logical solution I guess, when I look back now but that moment is ellicited giggles and peals of laughter from the ladies present there. Including me..  till this day I have no clue what was so funny about his suggestion, something he still refuses to believe.
                      Another instance in relation to my retail therapy was when one of my guy friends took a challenge and agreed to spend a day with me shopping without getting angry. And if he succeeded we agrees to pay his club bills for a whole month.  See, I think he saw an invisible SALE sign and thought he was getting a bargain..  But little did he know the price.  We started off on good note..  Him being all thoughtful and appreciative.. And me being relaxed.. Because for once I was getting a guy’s opinion on things. And it was a fairytale.  till lunchtime.. Cause when I suggested that after lunch we head to another mall to check out their stocks,  he flipped his switch and refused and begged to be left off.  I still don’t know why he refused. ( I have few hypotheses- 1.he wanted to sleep / play on his PS3 after lunch 2.he realized he was Gay.  3.he didn’t know the location of the mall.4.his latent shopaholic gene expressed itself a.k.a werewolf style and he needed to get away  ) whatever we’re his reasons,  he never brought up shopping ever again.. And we were saved from footing his flamboyance and going bankrupt… 

Diamonds, Dates and Besties

People say that two girls can never be best friends.  Some point or other they will start bitching about one another.  But countless years together and several heartbreaks or heartaches later.. I can safely say..  That a girl’s best friend is not her Gucci shoes or the diamond ring or even her boyfriend/husband/whatever.  A girl’s best friend is undoubtedly her gal pals.  True it might take years and years to find one..  But when you do.  It’s worth so much more than all the other fortunes you may have amassed over times.  True. Your parents love you.  Your partner worships the ground you walk on.  But there s one person who knows a girl better than herself is undoubtedly her best friend. She stands by you through thick n thin.  . No matter who comes in or who leaves..  No matter whether you are right or wrong.  She s the one you always turn to.  Sometimes at 1 o clock at night..  A lone ride to her door..  A hysterical phone call away.  Or maybe just a flight away..  I just wrote this to thank all tha gals who have been my inspiration! My salvation.. N the true heroes.  ! Cheers to my girls