Guy friend!


Classify your guy friends.. That’s a question that normally would raise a lot of eye-brows and lets face it here..  Most of the people would react the same way .. I mean what kind of person classifies their friend into category? And I agree with that.  You dont and you should’nt too.  a friend is a friend. End if the story..  But actually you can classify your guy friends..( actually the guys can do the same,but being the fairer sex I look at things from a women’s prospective) I don’t mean essentially that you should put a tag on them and behave accordingly… But the more I think of it.  The more it becomes evident!
               There s your best friend- he’s the guy with whom you share everything. He s your guide to everything guy!  The guy who helps you through your dates.  Who ll take you binge-drink and then ensure that you reach home safe..  The one guy your parents wish you were dating., your gal-friends think you are secretly,you think about it sometimes and whose signals are never clear…
                   There’s the guy friend whom you always crushed on secretly. But you never tell him  ,thinking how it will effect your friendship..  But you go out of your way to ‘protect’ him but somehow the idiot never realises that..  *sigh*
There’s the guy you have known for like eternity probably. And whom you may regard fondly as a kiddo or your pampered brat -like brother.. But hey! I bet you can never think of him as a boy-friend. But more often than none, he happens to be the guy who’s secretly crushing on you! *definitely creepy* (poor soul)
There’s the Protector! ( I have three atleast) whose only aim in life is to see that you are not hurt. Ya! It’s definitely okay if he behaves like a jerk! That’s totally excuseable. But if someone hurts you in anyway, he ll be thirsting for blood and the offender would probably end up with a bloody nose. Oh! And he s also your moral anchor. He ll at times dictate you about the people who are ‘good company’ ,who are not and how you should dress a little more ‘decently’ (dear brother,I ve found your substitute! ) but at the end of the day you still love him looking out for you.
And last is the ‘cool blind dude ‘ . He s your friend for the good stoned times. His solution to your every problem- ‘chill babes.. Have a drink ‘ yup! The eternal dude who doesn’t listen much. Probably comprehends even less. And is not actually bothered by anything anyone says or does. He has a mantra for ‘good life’-eat drink and party. ummm. Why are you friends with him? Because he is just the buffer you need from ‘the spices of life! ‘